Destination Canada Media Centre

Feature Experiences

Looking for story ideas? Discover things to do and new sources of inspiration from locals.

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Canadian Culinary Experiences
Royal Tyrell Museum, Alberta
Spring Outdoor Adventure
Spring Skiing

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Recent Headlines

As featured in Traveller
Travel tips and guide to Montreal, Quebec: The nine things you must do
Old Montreal / Vieux-Montreal
As featured in Escape
Stoicism and survival: Newfoundland the world’s wildest island
St. John's Newfoundland and Labrador
As featured in Lonely Planet
Rocked by the rails: Canada’s amazing train trips
VIA Rail Manitoba
As featured in Royal Auto Magazine
Gander, Newfoundland: the Canadian town that inspired Come from Away
Iceberg St. John's Newfoundland and Labrador


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Instagram images displayed are for inspiration only. For usage rights please contact individual Instagram users.

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Discover Canada

Created by Destination Canada
Canada. Le cœur grand ouvert. C’est plus qu’un voyage.
Canada. For Glowing Hearts. More than travelling.

Somewhere outside of your ordinary, with people you’ve just met. In a place you thought you knew, it becomes more than you ever expected. You can just be you, and that’s all you need to be, and no matter what, you always fit in.

Created by Destination Canada
Indigenous Voices

Blaire Russell, artist and photographer, from the Blood Tribe, Kainai First Nation in southern Alberta shares the unique influence that his culture and home have on his art. Just one story of the powerful First Nations influence woven into the province’s way of life.